Call for Papers

Thanks to all who participated!
The 10th Fall Research Meeting of the Wennberg International Collaborative is organized around six categories, five are specific and the sixth is general:
Warranted and unwarranted variation in the COVID-19 pandemic
- Health care atlases – Future prospects
- Novel data and data linkage methods for health care evaluation
- Economic analysis of unwarranted variation examining prices, spending and costs (including travel times)
- Systemic causes and remedies to unwarranted variation
- General category for innovative research in population-based health care measurement and variation.
The five specific categories are based on themes described here.
How to submit
This first call for papers invites you to submit abstracts in any category. To do so:
- download the paper submission instructions
- complete the form on pages 5 and 6
- submit it to the WIC by email:
Please note that the new deadline for submissions is 14 July, 2023, 3:59am UTC.
The WIC will screen all submissions and will send relevant abstracts to be considered by the organizers of the different categories.
The shape of the conference and of each subject will depend on responses to this call for papers. The objective of outlining specific categories in advance is to develop a focus for many of our sessions. We encourage collaborations across disciplines and countries between researchers and those who are responsible for developing policy instruments to reduce unwarranted variations.